Wednesday, 30 April 2014

PaperArtsy #3UP week!

Hi lovely visitors,

Over on the PaperArtsy Blog it's #3UP week, ie the last week of this semester when Leandra devises a challenge for blog, twitter and Facebook fans.  I was lucky enough to take part in the last one :-).  Each time Leandra mixes the format up a little and this time applicants were asked to choose which new release stamps/products they would like to work with if they were chosen (at random).  I emailed my application and had genuinely forgotten about it as I hadn't received any email notification but poor Leandra & crew had been mega busy getting ready for the new season of shows to kick off and instead of an email ......... the stamps I chose plopped through the letterbox, Yay!!!

Every night this week 3 different crafters are showcasing a particular designer from the PaperArtsy stable and tonight is the turn of Jo Firth Young's lovely stamps. The talent so far this week has been amazing and I am quite in awe and not a little daunted to be joining them briefly in the spotlight.

I love all of the PaperArtsy stamps even though I would find some difficult to work with from a style point of view but it was still a difficult choice.  In the end I chose Jo's fun stamps because they always make me smile and I asked for set JOFY22.  Here is a sneak peek of my project which I hope to goodness Jo and Leandra think does the stamps justice.  You can see the whole project over on the PA Blog together with two more mystery designers (I can't wait to see who they are) and if you want to see my 'in depth' ramblings of how I created it do come back tomorrow for the lowdown.


Blimey, as I type this I am so nervous after seeing the fabulous projects posted over the first three nights, gulp......but, by the time you read this mine will have gone live along with two other mystery crafters and it will be too late to worry, lol!  Hope you like it!

Lesley  Xx


Words and Pictures said...

I've got no doubt it's gorgeous, Lesley - I always love what you do with Jo's stamps - hopping over to take a look!
Alison xx

Words and Pictures said...

It is gorgeous - I was right!! Absolutely fab altered frame, with that beautiful dark shadow in the corner and wonderful mushrooms! Brilliant work with the JOFYs, Lesley!
Alison xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Lesley this is apsolutely beautiful. The colours look amazing against the white. So bright and fresh. I really love it ALOT XXXXX well done xxxx

sam21ski said...

No need to be nervous at all Lesley, it's absolutely fantastic and as you know I'm not a lover of flowers but can really appreciate how much work you've put into this - gorgeous

Sam xxx

Ruth said...

Absolutely love the mirror, gorgeous!

Doreen said...

Love this gorgeous mirror Lesley.I so loved doing this

Unknown said...

Hi Lesley, what a beautiful mirror... Not just because it's purple ! Got me wanting to go make one now... Thanks for the inspiration x

massofhair said...

STUNNING frame Lesley, all your work is creative and fun, you have really made Jo's stamps make a lot of people smile.

Love the purple, the beautiful and superb way you created your frame, in awe of your project:-) xxx

Paula Whittaker said...

no need to be's a wonderful piece x

Suzi B said...

You can stop having the colliwobbles!
Its absolutely stunning!
Suzi B xx

Aquarius said...

How wonderful to have JOFY stamps arrive on your doormat. I'm sure you have no need to be nervous as you will have done them justice - off now to take a look.

Aquarius said...

Wow - I just had to add another comment. You certainly used the stamps to good effect transforming this frame - brilliant!.