I have been very kindly given this award by Phree of Ink Stain Survivor fame, and feel very humble because of the illustrious company that I share the award with. As I am a regular follower of Phree's lovely blog I would have sent this award back to her but didn't know if this was allowed but I hope she knows how much I enjoy her seeing her artwork and reading her posts otherwise I wouldn't keep going back for more.
The rules for this award are :
1/ The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2/ Link the person you receive uour award from.
3/ Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4/ Put links of those blogs on yours.
5/ Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
After thinking long and hard and revisiting all my favourites here is my list in alphabetical order. I realise some of them are already on Phree's list but they are my favourites for various reasons and so get the award from me :
Deby : http://just-add-love.blogspot.com/
Glenda : http://artylicious.wordpress.com/
Jo : http://littlepeachtree.blogspot.com/
Lesley : http://thepaperengineer.blogspot.com/
Lynn : http://inkyartitude.blogspot.com/
Ros : http://stampandscrape.blogspot.com/
Veronica : http://vroncards.blogspot.com/
Pffffffffft at " being humbled to be in such illustrious company"! You have a lovely blog and I always enjoy my visits, finding not only inspiration but also a sense of a very genuine love and enthusiasm for your art in this blog And that is something that I find very uplifting when my own creative mood is at low ebb..... you totally deserve the award and to be listed with everyone else passed it on to.
Thank you so much for giving me this award. I too feel humbled that you spent much time in thought and added me to your list!
Best wishes,
Ros x
Love the photos of your grandchildren - what bonny girls.
What a fantastic surprise. Thank you so much for nominating my blog. Being new to blogland I can only hope that my musings are of interest and that people are intersted enough to read it. This is a great compliment and spurs me on to continue.
The photos of your grandkid are great. Lesley. You may have a long way to go to catch up with me but this is one small step.
Great cards too, by the way.
thanks Lesley - I am sooo chuffed!
Think I conquered the techy bits - at lest I got the list on the blog!
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