I have been very kindly given this award by Phree of Ink Stain Survivor fame, and feel very humble because of the illustrious company that I share the award with. As I am a regular follower of Phree's lovely blog I would have sent this award back to her but didn't know if this was allowed but I hope she knows how much I enjoy her seeing her artwork and reading her posts otherwise I wouldn't keep going back for more.
The rules for this award are :
1/ The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2/ Link the person you receive uour award from.
3/ Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4/ Put links of those blogs on yours.
5/ Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
After thinking long and hard and revisiting all my favourites here is my list in alphabetical order. I realise some of them are already on Phree's list but they are my favourites for various reasons and so get the award from me :
Deby : http://just-add-love.blogspot.com/
Glenda : http://artylicious.wordpress.com/
Jo : http://littlepeachtree.blogspot.com/
Lesley : http://thepaperengineer.blogspot.com/
Lynn : http://inkyartitude.blogspot.com/
Ros : http://stampandscrape.blogspot.com/
Veronica : http://vroncards.blogspot.com/