Friday 4 October 2013

A very important birthday ......

Hello Again,

Happy Friday to those of you who have finished work for the weekend and for those who don't get the weekend off I hope you have a pleasant two days work.  I'm also hoping the weather is going to cheer up a wee bit for us all.  It's been very mild here with a high of 17c today but we've also had quite a bit of rain again.

Anyway, to get back on track, yesterday was my favourite Daughter's (I only have the one, lol) birthday so I thought I'd share the card I made for her.

It was a simple and relaxing card to make using stamps from the Jo Firth-Young range at PaperArtsy.  The spikey flowers which I love are from JOFY14 set and the words are from JOFY11.

Everything was stamped using Onyx Black Versafine ink and I chose a selection of words (there are others on the set too) to make the sentiment I wanted, cut them out and added them to the card with foam pads to give a bit of dimension.

I used Derwent Coloursoft pencils on the spikey flowers.

I'm looking forward to seeing Jenna (and her family) on Sunday afternoon for a few hours as OH and I are off up the A1 for tea with them all.  It will be cuddles all round ;D!

Have a smashing weekend everyone and till next time ...................

Lesley  Xx


Helen said...

This is just beautiful, simple,elegant and delightful! I am sure your daughter will love it.

Margaret Iddon said...

Super work Lesley. Have a good Sunday

Jean said...

Super card Lesley, your daughter will love it. ( She has a great name, same as my little great granddaughter!)
Jean x

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful card! I'm sure your daughter was thrilled with it.

Lin said...

Beautiful Lesley just beautiful xx

sam21ski said...

Oooh stunning card Lesley, bet she loved it

Sam xxx

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

A stunning card Lasley, I'm sure your daughter love it. I've not got any of these gorgeous stamps, but I'm adding them to my wish list now.

Sue x

Paula (PEP) said...

This looks delightful with use of the VersaFine Onyx Black crispness contrasted with the Coloursoft brilliance. Have a super family time.
Paula (PEP)

Words and Pictures said...

Absolutely gorgeous colouring on the flowers, Lesley, and I love the elegant simplicity of this. Hope you have a lovely time on Sunday with the family!
Alison x

Beryl said...

It's lovely Lesley. I'm sure your daughter will love it. Have a great family weekend.
Beryl xx

Astrid Maclean said...

Gorgeous!! I bet she loved it!

Carol Q said...

so pretty Lesley!

Aquarius said...

Sometimes the clean and simple style is just right - love the stamped images and the words. Have a great tea party!!

veronica said...

lovely card Lesley and great stamp too - enjoy Sunday

Suzi B said...

Beautiful card Lesley,I bet your daughter loved it! xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Beautiful clean style design, love the Paper Artsy whimsical design. I imagine your 'favorite' daughter loved it :) Happy Weekend, Shirleyx

Julie Lee said...

A lovely, fresh-looking card. It will grace your daughter's mantelpiece on her special day. Have a lovely tea today. Julie Ann xx

Redanne said...

What a gorgeous card Lesley, funnily enough just used the same stamps for D2's card this week. Love those JOFY stamps and love what you did with them! Hope you had a lovely tea. Hugs, Anne x

craftytrog said...

I bet your daughter loved her beautiful card Lesley! xx

Christine B. said...

Hi Lesley your card is simply delightful. I bet your daughter loved it. So elegant. Hope you had a lovely time. Love and hugs x ChrisB

Netty said...

Bit late with the comments I see, must have missed this beautiful card Lesley, loving your fabulous stamps and colourings, Annette x

Sally H said...

Gorgeous card, Lesley! LOVE it, and I am sure Jenna did too xxx

judith@poppy cottage said...

Lovely CAS card Lesley, great colours and the sentiment is fab. Hugs, Judith xx