Here he is kindly sharing his bed with his friend Tink (our daughter's little border terrier) when she came to visit.
Today's decision to give him peace was the hardest I have ever had to make, because he wasn't yet in any pain (as far as we know) but he was blind, deaf and was profoundly weak in his back legs. Needless to say, he could nolonger go for walks or play and had recently begun to lose his dignity (details of which I won't share). But the worst part was seeing him not being able to find his way round his own home and garden and the vet agreed that it was far kinder not to let him get any more frightened or confused.
I will never forget his wonderful capacity to love people and I don't think I will ever stop looking behind me to make sure I don't tread on him. We are so glad you decided to wander from your previous owners and find us instead BENNI.