I'm sorry I've not been around much recently. Many reasons for this but I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say at the moment I have one of those 'stop the world I want to get off for a rest' feelings, lol! Helping our daughter plan her wedding and making the invites and table decorations, etc., is taking up a lot of my time but I wouldn't miss it for anything really.
Anyway, the main reason for this particular post of to announce Glenda Waterworth's new company name. It is ............... tada da da dada ........................... CHOCOLATE BAROQUE!!!!! There is a little while to go before the website is up and running (mainly due to technical delays) but it is only a matter of days now. However, if you click on the name or click on the gorgeous new button in my sidebar you will be gently transported to the new Design Team blog when I and my teamies have been posting examples of our work for this month. They feature the first sets of stamps which will be released under the CHOCOLATE BAROQUE banner and they are really lovely not to mention very useful. They are four set of mini stamps, some of which are completely new but others are miniatures of previously issued stamps and they work perfectly to create backgrounds for the main size images. If you visit the new DT blog (that's if you haven't already) and scroll down through the new artwork until you get to Glenda's post, you will find out how you may be able to win a set of these lovely stamps. Glenda has also very kindly added a freebie download to the blog and if we reach 200 followers she will add another one, so hop over and see what we have been up to. There's also a tiny peek at a few more new sets that will be issued over the coming weeks.
Here's a little sneak peek of the card I posted on the DT blog last Friday when the new name was officially launched.

I hope to be back tomorrow with a couple of awards that I have been thrilled to receive over the past couple of weeks. Till then ...........................................
Night, night and love to all.
Lesley Xx
I know what it's like doing wedding "stuff".... exhausting! .. so take time out & rest.. lol easier said than done.
Love this card .. can't wait for the reawakening of Glenda's business.
I fancy the Guild should be called Baroque Artisans ... we are all so skilled :))..
Sue xx
Good luck with all the wedding prep. These stamps seem such a good idea and I can't wait to get my inky fingers onto them.
Hi Lesley
I am so pleased I am not the only one with a million and one things to do LOL!!!
Sounds like you are making a hole in the wedding stationery.
What a wonderful name for Glenda's new company. Must tootle over and have a nosey and those wonderful samples.
Love your sneak peek!!
You certainly hae been busy!
Catch you soon.
Love Jules xx
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