It's actually looking pretty tidy at the moment as I had a mega clear up of the whole craftroom yesterday. By evening though I started to get things out again - as you do - so there are a few stamped images waiting to be coloured and the pieces in the foreground are the beginnings of a card I've been asked to make. The two piles top left are lovely magazines that my daughter keeps giving me to raid for images for mixed media projects but I never seem to get time to look through them. One thing that's not on my workspace is rubber stamps and that's because my conservatory is my craftroom and it is getting mega hot in there just now as you will see from my little thermometer below, so I try to put my stamps away as soon as I've finished with them. It actually got hotter than that this afternoon even with the french doors open and the fan going full belt, Phew!!

Lesley Xx
I wouldn't dare take a photo of mine - it is far worse than yours! Think I could just fit an A6 card on there at the moment.........
Well um ok it's not tidy, but it looks like fairly organised clutter - looking forward to seeing that card when it's finished - it looks like it will e a beaut!
Lots of lovely, interesting things going on here, Lesley. I don't know how you cope with the heat though. Our conservatory is out of bounds from early morning until the cool of the evening when it's perfect.
Happy Crafting
Hugs Lisax
great workspace here Lesley, I'm glad you are joining in too
isa x
Welcome, welcome, welcome to WOYWW. Glad you decided to join us. It's so much fun and I hope lots of people come snoop around your workspace. I know you're going to love this fun event each week as much as many of us do.
I was looking at that thermometer and thought BRRR, how cold. Then I realized you were in the UK and NOT in the US. Let me tell you, 38 F would seem pretty comfy right now. 38 C is pretty miserable, just like here. And I like the idea of putting stamps away, not because I'm a neat freak, which I am, but because the heat will affect them and I never realized that before. OK, I'm not much of a rubber stamper, but it's a really good tip, anyway.
I know I'm late, but happy WOYWW, anyway.
Great looking desk - don't envy being that hot though S
Hello Lesley! Great you have joined in WOYWW, you have a fab desk, very productive!!! Love the image your working with! Will we get to see the result? Hope so! I love your creations, I admire the alterd artists!,I am not so good at it!But love the look so every now & again I dip my Creative toe in the waters of Mr Holtz & co! Thanks for the comment on my desk & work, its took me ages to get this far with it! The jars were in a cupboard till sunday just gone! But they look nice on display! Be back soon!!
LOL at your thermometer Lesley. Even your TH ink pads are 'distressed' with the heat! *Ü* Nice to see your desk...thanks for the snoop. *Ü* TFS. ~Glen~
All I can say Lesley is that you are very tidy and have alot of elbow room!
Janet xx
Hi Lesley
What a lovely array of craftiness!!!
Not sure what I would take a picture of if I was to share my workspace - would it be my desk in my craft pod, the dining room table or my bedside cabinet. All have crafy goodies on them LOL!!!
Can't see that scrap box you were talking about anywhere?!?!?
Love Jules xx
Wow - this looks tidy compared with mine!
Very tidy lesley.I just wouldnt dare share mine.lol
debbie xxx
Yay for joining in! You poor thing, my room gets very hot too and I worry about my ink pads drying out, never thought about my stamps!
I thought it was a timer at first, thinking you have to ration your time in your craft space for some reason. No one is sleeping with my piles of paper, don't you worry- wouldn't want to crush them!
Hi - bit late I know but still trying to get round a few desks...I only joined in a couple of weeks ago and it is addictive!! Great organised work space but I couldn't work in that heat...welcome to WOYWW and look forward to seeing more of your craft space..Esther
Yours looks pretty clean. Mine ends up with piles when I am in the midst of any projects.
Just got round to finishing my commnts from last week!! Love your blog you have some fab work!! Love Chanelle xx
Haha! Love the creative process going in there! So good to share LOL! Kim
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