Blimey, my good intentions soon fizzled out didn't they! It's nearly a month since my last post (lol, sounds like Bloggers Anonymous) but to be fair to myself, family life has been a bit hectic again these past few weeks with emergency surgery for one of my granddaughters (scary) and a few problems to sort out for Mum. On top of that I've not been firing on all cylinders myself but enough of that, hopefully we'll have a little bit of calm now.
Anyway, all week we have been wowed with more wonderful projects from the PaperArtsy DT several of which I would love to have had a go at but as I had lovely little visitors nearly all week there was no time. However, on Friday after everyone had gone home I found a little old spiral bound notebook under the TV cupboard in my craftroom .........along with a million cobwebs......... mucky madam! Jo Firth-Young had shared a project the previous evening HERE where she had decorated some of these little books so I thought finding mine was a sign to get my posterior in gear and MAKE SOMETHING!!! For once I remembered to take photos as I went along but some were taken by artificial light (last night) or early this morning and it's very dull here again today so I apologise if the quality is not brilliant.
This is the book I found and you can tell at one stage it had been left in the sun as the front and back are totally different colours, lol!
Because of the indented gold lettering I switched the covers round so that it would be on the back cover if it still showed. I more or less did exactly what Jo did and used the same colours too as it was the first opportunity I've had to get messy with my fab new set of Jo's Limited Edition Fresco paints for PaperArtsy. (The colours are delicious!)

I don't have any of Jo's new stencils.....yet! Whoohoo, can't wait for Ally Pally in April but choosing which PaperArtsy goodies to buy will be so difficult as I want nearly all the new products. Anyway, I used a Wendy Vecchi stencil from my collection instead.
I don't have any of Jo's new stamps yet either so used ones I already have in my collection
And here is are the finished covers. I was positive I had some PaperArtsy Matte Glaze (I have all the others) but can't find it anywhere so I had to go with Studio Matte Multi Medium which I really don't like. For a start it is not 'matte' and it leaves very visible brush strokes. I also found it has taken some of the Frescos off the covers where the gold lettering is underneath. If you look at all the previous pics the Frescos have covered the lettering beautifully but if you click to enlarge the one below you will be able to see the lettering has been exposed again in the top left corner :-(
Oh well, a blind man would be glad to see it (as they say) and it is on the back (and upside down, lol) as for once I considered this possibility in advance!
That's it from me for today and I hope it's not another month before I'm back with my next post, lol! Enjoy what is left of your weekend folks and for now .......
Lesley Xx